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1550 -A Union Rd , Gastonia NC 28054

Provides direct care for consumers of age 12 to 18 years old. The Residential Qualified Professional shall perform clinical and administrative responsibilities a minimum of 10 hours each week; 70% of the time shall occur when Consumers are awake and present in the facility. The Qualified Professional is responsible for the safety and security of all consumers; therefore the ability to set and observe therapeutic boundaries is a critical function. The Qualified Professional is expected to be professional and therapeutic in his/her practices and interactions with the consumer and develop healthy, positive relationships with them.
A valid Driver’s license.
Dependable character and personal integrity as verified through interviews and reference checks, including statewide/national criminal background check, and Healthcare registry checks
(a) an individual who holds a license, provisional license, certificate, registration or permit issued by the governing board regulating a human service profession, except a registered nurse who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina by the North Carolina Board of Nursing who also has four years of full-time accumulated experience in mh/dd/sa with the population served; or
(b) a graduate of a college or university with a Masters degree in a human service field and has one year of full-time, post-graduate degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has one year of full-time, postgraduate degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling; or
(c) a graduate of a college or university with a bachelor's degree in a human service field and has two years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has two years of full-time, post bachelor's degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling; or
(d) a graduate of a college or university with a bachelor's degree in a field other than human services and has four years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has four years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling.
(1) Technical knowledge of rules for mental health, developmental disabilities facilities and services10A NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 27G
(2) Cultural awareness
(3) Analytical skills
(4) Decision-making
(5) Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills
(6) Excellent interpersonal skills
(7) Excellent written and verbal communication skills
(8) clinical skills.
(9) Basic Computer Skills
(1) supervision of its associate professional(s) for the period of time specified in 10A NCAC 27G .0104
(2) oversight of emergencies; and be available by telephone or page
(3) participation in child and family team planning meetings;
(4) coordination of each child or adolescent's treatment plan; and
(5) provision of basic case management functions.
(6) ensures authorizations are submitted to NC Tracks and or appropriate MCO within time frames outlined by DMA to ensure program funding.
Participates as a member of Child and Family Team for all pre-admission, 30 day, CFT meetings and discharge meetings.
Administers employee corrective actions and disciplinary procedures for those supervised employees.
Completes other special assignments as directed by immediate supervisor.
Remains on call as needed during weekends and Holidays
Covers shifts in the event of Staff call out or employee emergency
Ensures needs of individuals are met and documented as required
Facilitates group interviews of potential employees
Administers employee corrective actions and disciplinary procedures for those supervised employees.
Completes other special assignments as directed by immediate supervisor.
Remains on call as needed during weekends and Holidays
Covers shifts in the event of multiple Staff call out or employee emergencies
The Residential Para Professional provides direct care for consumers of age 10 to 18 years old. The Residential Para Professional is responsible for the safety and security of all consumers; therefore the ability to set and observe therapeutic boundaries is a critical function. The Para Professional is responsible for consistently demonstrating efforts to contain, redirect and actively confront inappropriate behaviors and assist consumers in unlearning maladaptive behaviors and assisting the consumer in improving relationships at school, work and/or other community settings. Para Professional is responsible for the documentation of interactions with consumers and the effectiveness of the interactions in daily shift notes expected to be professional and therapeutic in his/her practices and interactions with the consumer and develop healthy, positive relationship with them.
One year of prior experience working with the population. High School diploma/ GED, a valid Driver’s license. Dependable character and personal integrity as verified through interviews and reference checks, including statewide/national criminal background check, and Healthcare registry checks
Supervision shall be provided by a Qualified Professional and or Associate Professional with the population served. The Supervisor and the employee shall develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annually.
The Residential Para Professional shall work a flex schedule, which will include over-nights, weekend, Holidays and daytime hours
Job Responsibilities:
Maintain the safety and security of New Hope Home and all consumers in the program. Keep program keys on your person at all times
Account for the whereabouts and actions of all consumers at any given time during a scheduled shift.
Perform the minimum documentation standard of a full service note per shift. The documentation of interventions and activities is directly related to the consumers: identified needs, Preferences or choices, specific goals, services, and of interventions All documentation Must be completed prior to the end of your shift.
Conduct daily visual inspections of the facility for any safety hazards and report any finding to you immediate supervisor.
Ensure all consumers wear seat belts when being transported in New Hope Home vehicles. Ensure one Staff is seated in the rear of vehicle during transport of consumers
Ensure consumer presence and security at all times.
Conduct and document monthly fire drills.
Daily documentation of shift notes/ interventions and effectiveness per DMA guidelines.
Attend monthly Staff meetings / continuing education training and participate in the development of an individual supervision plan.
Job Description Details
Monitor daily performance of all consumers in accordance with the facility program.
Understanding of company policy manual for the residential facility follow program routine without deviation
Daily Documentation in the communication log during your shift.
Understanding of Weekly and Weekend schedule
Utilize the facility program whenever accountability or teaching measures are needed.
Ensure that the facility program functions as written effectively.
Ensure consumer are dressed appropriately and provide redirection as needed
Demonstrate understanding of Behavior modification program
Seek out or create opportunities for the consumers’ development.
Administer and document medication as prescribed by a physician.
Report any injuries or illnesses to the Supervisor and/or provide first aide as needed.
Seek out or created opportunities to interact with all consumer in a caring and nurturing manner.
Be aware of each consumer’s emotional state and intervene using “life-space” counseling technique when necessary.
Instruct clients on how to complete an assigned house cleaning or task and assisting the consumer when necessary.
Organize, direct and provide line of sight supervision during recreational and leisure time activities of New Hope Home.
Maintain effective communication with Program AP, QP, LP other staff. Demonstrating acceptable leadership responsibility through teaching, modeling and problem-solving skills.
Review Person Centered Plans and Comprehensive Clinical assessments and or Psychological Evaluation’s Understand the individual History/PCP/ IEP and Crisis plans for each consumer in order to provide affective and accurate treatment.
3rd shift duties:
Perform room checks on Consumers @ LEAST every 30 minutes and as needed
Wash Dry Fold and put away towels and washcloths left from Consumers PM hygiene Ensure all AM hygiene linen is retrieved from consumer in placed in facility laundry room
Dust all furniture/plants/Ceiling fans
Empty all trash receptacles
Clean all windows/ window seals and mirrors
Clean bathrooms: Toilets, sinks, tubs, and mop floors
Clean Kitchen: Oven/stove, microwave, refrigerator, toaster oven, sweep and mop floors,
Living Room Area: Dust lamps and ceiling fans, clean mirrors, clean television screen,
Straighten and organize shelf contents, ensure all movies are organized neatly and returned to the proper cases.
Laundry Room: mop floor, wipe washer/dryer off, empty lint tray.
Perform visual checks to ensure consumer bedrooms are clean neat and orderly before consumers depart to school. Offer instruction and assistance as needed to ensure cleanliness
Ensure Consumer beds are made neatly
Ensure there is no trash or paper on floor
Ensure all clothing is properly placed
Ensure ALL Trash cans throughout the facility are EMPTY
The Residential Associate Professional is a full time employee who meets or exceeds the requirements of an associate professional as set forth in 10A NCAC 27G .0104(1) provides direct care for consumers of age 10 to 18 years old. The Residential Associate Professional manages and oversees the daily operations of the Level III Residential Facility which includes but is not limited to the supervision of paraprofessionals, Participation in Child and family Team meetings and is responsible for the safety and security of all consumers; therefore the ability to set and observe therapeutic boundaries is a critical function as well as the ability to exhibit maturity and critical thinking skills AEB on the spot problem solving and the ability to interact professionally with members of each Consumer’s CFT, Direct Care Staff, Agency Administrative Staff and Community Stakeholders. The Associate Professional is expected to be professional and therapeutic in his/her practices and interactions with the consumer and develop healthy positive Therapeutic relationships with them.
A valid Driver’s license.
Dependable character and personal integrity as verified through interviews and reference checks, including statewide/national criminal background check, and Healthcare registry checks
(a) Graduate of a college or university with a masters degree in a human service field with less than one year of full-time, post-graduate degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional with less than one year of full-time, post-graduate degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling. Supervision shall be provided by a qualified professional with the population served until the individual meets one year of experience. The supervisor and the employee shall develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annually; or
(b) Graduate of a college or university with a bachelor's degree in a human service field with less than two years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional with less than two years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling. Supervision shall be provided by a qualified professional with the population served until the individual meets two years of experience. The supervisor and the employee shall develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annually; or
(c) Graduate of a college or university with a bachelor's degree in a field other than human services with less than four years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional with less than four years of full-time, post-bachelor's degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling. Supervision shall be provided by a qualified professional with the population served until the individual meets four years of experience. The supervisor and the employee shall develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annually; or
(d) registered nurse who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina by the North Carolina Board of Nursing with less than four years of full-time accumulated experience inmh/dd/sa with the population served. Supervision shall be provided by a qualified professional with the population served until the individual meets four years of experience. The supervisor and the employee shall develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annually.
Job Description
(1) Technical knowledge of rules for mental health, developmental disabilities facilities and services10A NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 27G
(2) Cultural awareness
(3) Analytical skills
(4) Decision-making
(5) Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills
(6) Excellent interpersonal skills
(7) Excellent written and verbal communication skills
(8) Clinical skills.
(9) Basic Computer Skills
Management of daily operations of facility including ensuring adequate Staffing Ratios by developing monthly Staffing Schedule.
Supervision of paraprofessionals regarding responsibilities related to the implementation of each consumer’s Person Centered Plan
Creates weekly menus and ensures all food items are readily available for Direct Care Staff to provide to Consumers
Management of facility budget
Oversee and ensure that daily residential service documentation is completed.
Participate in Supervision by a qualified professional with the population served for the period of time as specified in Rule .0104 of Subchapter 10A NCAC 27G.
Assures active treatment as determined by the CFT is provided to consumers according to their individual needs.
Schedules Medical & Individual Therapy Appointments ensuring all prescribed medications are available for medication administration
Personal / social adjustment
Daily living skills
Community skills
Behavioral programming
Grooming and self-help skills
Recreation / leisure
Ensures needs of individuals are met and documents as required
Participates in group interviews of potential employees
Participates as a member of Child and Family Team for all pre-admission, 30 day, CFT meetings and discharge meetings.
Supervision of paraprofessional regarding responsibilities related to the implementation of each Consumer’s PCP.
Administers employee corrective actions and disciplinary procedures for those supervised employees.
Completes other special assignments as directed by immediate supervisor.
Remains on call and available to respond within thirty minutes after hours, during weekends and Holidays
Covers shifts in the event of Staff call out or employee emergencies